Denis Beaubois          

  The Incrimination of Light (part II)    


The audience enters the performance space and proceed to their seats.  The camera and flash units are located in the performance area (Floor or stage).  The lights are faded to black and a photograph is taken of the unsuspecting audience.  The flash provides an exchange; the temporal imprint of the afterimage on the audiences retina in return for  the indelible record of their presence on the negative.  The audience are then given a set of verbal instructions (in darkness) requesting them to reach under their seats for a sign which is to be held above their heads.  Another photograph is taken, the camera recording the moment.  Each sign has a word inscribed on it and together they formulate a short narrative, to be potentially disclosed by the photograph.  They are then asked to return the sign under their seat and leave the premises.

The incrimination of light part II centres around the disclosure of a potential narrative.  A story that is told to the camera recorded by the negative and retold through the photograph.  In the resulting image the narrative has been altered.  There exists a sense of loss, a yearning for the obscured text, and a longing for the unaltered message.  Meaning is transformed, the event is created and disclosed through the cameras unique vision. This disclosure suggests the camera as co author of the image.  Or perhaps it is the site as collaborator?  For within the boundaries of the frame the details of site, time and choice intersect.

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